Snapshot Updates

Snapshot of Greenboro Station - August 19, 2020

Stage 2 has little change to Greenboro Station, other than lengthening the platforms for long FLIRT and double LINT trains. With recent brush removal, the station is more visible from the west. Sadly there won't be access to the ponds here, only at South Keys.

Snapshot of Carleton Station - August 17, 2020

Underpass work at Carleton University to allow for longer passing sidings in Trillium Line Stage 2 two years from now.

Snapshot of Queensview Station - August 15, 2020

At the corner of Connaught and Hanlon (red), a couple of homes were demolished and a short tunnel will take Confederation Line Stage 2 past the corner of the awkwardly placed bus garage towards Pinecrest and west to Moodie. Better than "Razing the Romans" route.

Snapshot of Iris Station - August 14, 2020

Queensway underpass and BRT transitway stop. Underpass will be reused by Confederation Line Stage 2 and Station combined with Iris a bit to south. 

Iris Stage 2 underpass and Station construction to replace BRT level crossing.
This is the BRT Baseline underpass to be used by Stage 2. The future Algonquin Stage 2 end Station has already been roughed in under the college building in the background.

Snapshot of Lincoln Fields Station - August 14, 2020

Various construction shots from ped bridge near Lincoln Fields Station, and of bridge supports for complex flyover for branch west to Moodie.